In 2001, an innovative approach to funding the District's future capital project needs was adopted by the Harris County Commissioners Court that provides funding at levels four to five times higher than any time in the past. This new funding approach enables an even more aggressive implementation of flood damage reduction projects across Harris County.
HCFCD Active Projects image showing both Federal partnerships and local and regional partnerships.
Current Estimated CIP
The District's current 5-year CIP for flood damage reduction projects throughout Harris County is estimated at more than $975 million, with about 20% of that reserved for project right-of-way (or land acquisition) and buyouts. The CIP also includes engineering studies, planning efforts and actual construction of identified projects.
What the CIP Buys
Some of the projects that are implemented may involve channel modifications (modifying of existing streams, bayous or tributaries), new channel construction, excavation of large stormwater detention basins, or buyout of homes that have experienced repetitive flooding or are located hopelessly deep in the regulatory floodplain.
Some of the funds allocated in the CIP go toward flood damage reduction projects implemented solely by the Harris County Flood Control District. Other CIP funds go toward flood damage reduction projects that involve federal partnerships. These partnership projects are bolstered by an influx of federal dollars, and often mean faster completion schedules.
The CIP is Regularly Adjusted
The annual 5-year CIP is "officially" visited for adjustments and updates three times annually and presented to Commissioners Court all three times. Around December of each year, the District's Operations and Maintenance budget, including the 5-year CIP, is submitted to Commissioners Court for review in anticipation of the District's new fiscal year, starting each March 1. In June of each year, Commissioners Court holds a CIP review and the District submits its 5-year CIP with any adjustments for review by the court members. In September of each year, the 5-year CIP is again submitted with any adjustments, along with the District's mid-year budget submittal for mid-year budget review by Commissioners Court.
Useful links related to Texas flood insurance:
Map Your Flood Risk - floodsmart.gov
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