New article in the Water Environment Association of Ontario's Influents Magazine explores the cost-effectiveness on infrastructure technologies, including conventional 'grey' and emerging 'green' approaches for achieving extreme weather resiliency by reducing flood losses in existing communities.
See: article link.
The article provides a brief history of Low Impact Development Best Management Practices (LID BMPs) in Ontario and the assessment of cost in infrastructure projects. New requirements for benefit-cost analysis for flood mitigation projects, such as through Infrastructure Canada's Disaster Mitigation Adaptation Fund, are also discussed. A previous post identifies some of these significant projects (
Results of a case study comparing grey, green and blended grey and green technologies are summarized. Details of this analysis are included in a previous post ( and were presented at the 2019 WEAO Annual Conference. The case study confirms the cost-effectiveness of conventional grey technologies, consisting largely of storm and sanitary sewer upgrades, and cast doubt on the cost-effectiveness of emerging green infrastructure or LID BMPs, considering full lifecycle costs. Limitations in the assessment of technical effectiveness green infrastructure in insurance industry research, as summarized in a previous post ( and in my NWWC2018 presentation Storm Warts, the Floods Awaken ( are briefly touched upon.
The move toward more rigorous assessments of project cost effectiveness is keeping with the Made-in-Ontario Environment Plan that intends to avoid the frustration of "policies and programs that don't deliver results". Such assessments are also consistent with Ontario's Long Term Infrastructure Plan 2017 that suggests that infrastructure proposals should be "supported by robust and consistent business cases".
In-depth data and analysis on extreme weather and flood risks on share engineering insight on complex topics of infrastructure design and performance, urban hydrology, flood risk assessment, and cost-effective risk management. Our goal is to promote critical, evidence-based "Thinking Slow on Floods and Flow" to improve flood and stormwater management policies and achieve effective environmental outcomes. R.J. Muir, Toronto, ON.
Southern Ontario Observed Rainfall Intensities Decreasing - Annual Maximum Values Lower In Environment and Climate Change Canada's Engineering Climate Datasets (Version 3.0)
Maximum annual rainfall amounts over short durations at Ontario climate stations are used to derive engineering design intensities used in design of infrastructure such as sewers, culverts, channels, and ponds - the things that help convey rainfall runoff safety away from otherwise vulnerable people and property.
Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) has recently updated its Engineering Climate Datasets that include a statistical analysis of observed trends in maximum values observed each year. The newest data are identified as Version 3.0 and are available as part of the Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) Files on the ECCC website:
The previous Version 2.3 datasets showed decreasing annual maximum values at 21 southern Ontario climate stations with at least 30 years of observations - see previous post.
The updated Version 3.0 datasets continue this decreasing trend, showing that at the same 21 climate stations with an average observation period of 47 years:
- There are 42% more decreasing trends than increasing ones across all durations and stations (55.6% decreasing trends vs. 39.2% increasing ones).
- There are 75% more statistically significant decreases than increases (7 significant decreases vs. 4 significant increases).
This table shows the station name, ID, trends for each duration of 5 minutes to 24 hours, as well as the length of record and the most recent year in the Version 3.0 dataset.
Other observations:
- There are no statistically significant increases for durations less than 6 hours - that means the short duration convective storms burst that can lead to urban flooding related to most infrastructure systems do not show any appreciable increases.
- Overall downward trends are contrary to insurance industry statements, particularly the disproved "Telling the Weather Story" claim that there has been a one standard deviation increase in the probability of extreme rainfall according to Environment Canada data (the "Story" was only a theory/concept incorrectly cited and widely misreported as real data).
- Overall downward trends are contrary to many media reports citing a new normal of wild weather. Fortunately, some media, lead by the the Financial Post's Terence Corcoran are engaged in a critical review of urban flood drivers including extreme rainfall and the means to mitigate flood damages:
- Article clarifying the "Weather Story" and discussing effective means of mitigation.
- Article highlighting media inaccuracies on extreme rainfall reporting.
- Article questioning City of Toronto statements on more extreme rainfall as a cause of flooding that are not supported by data or statistical analysis of frequency or trends.
- CBC staff and the CBC Radio Canada Ombudsman have helped focus on facts Environment and Climate Change Canada data and corrected many stories on increasing storm frequency or intensity as noted here:
- CBC Ombudsman finds violations of journalistic standards of practice regarding reporting on 100 Year storm trends,
- CBC Windsor corrects story on the number of storms affecting insurance premiums,
- CBC News corrects story on Environment Canada report acknowledging no change in extreme precipitation linked to urban flooding:
- Analysis by the School of Engineering at the University of Guelph, published in the International Journal of Environmental Research in 2015, looked at monthly trends and suggested that "The decrease in August extremes seems to have a significant impact on the annual extremes in the southwest and southeast regions":
Urban flooding is certainly an important issue to be addressed. And there are many factors that affect today's flood risks as explored in a previous post. While the insurance industry has suggested a link between increasing flood damages to increasing rain extremes due to climate change, given the wealth of evidence pointing to other quantifiable factors like increasing hydrologic and hydraulic stresses - and no change in rainfall extremes! - means that there is not even a correlation much less a causation relationship between flood damage and rain extreme trends (i.e., damages are up but rain intensities are down). This was pointed out in my Financial Post OpEd.
Effective flood mitigation strategies must recognize the intrinsic capacity limitations in the vast amount of legacy infrastructure built over 30 years ago, and focus on reducing risks by addressing any level of service gaps through adaptation. Cost-effective and timely methods can include increasing the conveyance capacity of grey infrastructure, as opposed to mitigating rain/weather stresses that have not appeared to change, based on official, national engineering datasets. While such infrastructure investments should consider potential future climate effects, and we have many examples of analyzing stormwater and wastewater systems for such effects, past trends do not point to an increase to date in rainfall extremes. As a result, derived intensity duration frequency values for the stations reviewed above, based on values in the Version 3.0 datasets, shows an overall decrease in design intensities for small frequent and large rare storms across southern Ontario - those results were presented in a previous post, as shown below:
Ontario Intensity Duration Frequency (IDF) Trends - 2 Year to 100 Year for all Durations Environment and Climate Change Canada Engineering Climate Datasets - Version 3.0 |
Recognizing trends in observed rainfall maximum values and the derived design intensities will support data-driven, evidence-based policies and programs for achieving flood resilience through strategic infrastructure investments.
The following table explores annual maximum values at Ontario climate stations with over 50 years of record:
The table expands into higher latitude eastern Ontario communities including Kingston and Ottawa as well as to northern Ontario. The eastern Ontario climate stations show an overall consistent trend in decreasing observed rainfall maxima over the shortest durations. Another eastern Ontario station, the Ottawa Airport also shows decreasing trends over short durations, including several statistically significant decreases (i.e., lower observed rainfall intensities) for durations of 10 minutes, 15 minutes and 1 hour.
Previous analysis of the Version 2.3 datasets showed the differences in southern and northern Ontario trends. Increases in intensities in the north, beyond Ontario's largest urban centres, could reflect a shift toward more rainfall events instead of snowfall as a result of warming temperatures.
Is Wild Weather and a New Normal for Severe Rainfall Responsible for Urban Flooding, or Urbanization and Hydrologic Stresses? Case Law Points to Urbanization Driving Runoff and Flood Effects.
Everyone has an opinion on the weather and media is saturated with stories linking extreme weather with flooding. It makes sense. Flooding happens during severe storms. The bigger the storm the bigger the flood damages in fact.
"Since its construction between 1914 and 1922, the Keating Channel has been subject to heavy sediment loads, requiring regular dredging to maintain sufficient depths to allow for and maintain shipping activities at the mouth of the Don River. Between 1950 and 1970, widespread development throughout the Don Watershed and the construction of the Don Valley Parkway increased sedimentation rates by up to four times that of the pre-was era. After 1970, decreases in the number of new watershed disturbances and improved sediment control structures likely contributed to the decline in sedimentation in the Keating Channel to levels similar to the pre-war era. A reduction in shipping activities within the Keating Channel, combined with restrictions on the open water disposal of dredgate imposed by the International Joint Commission (IJC) in 1974, resulted in a cessation of dredging in the Keating Channel. In the following five to six years, the Keating channel filled with sediment and debris to the point where it became visible under all but high lake levels, resulting in increased flood risk along the lower Don."
So flood risks increase due to fluviogeomorphology (the transport and deposition of sediments in a watercourse) and hydraulics - when dredging stops, sediment builds up, hydraulic capacity is reduced and flooding is increased along the river.
Yet despite flooding dating back to the 1800's, as reported in the Inquiry for Premier Davis, and despite impacts on rail lines in the Don River floodplain over decades, flooding has been attributed to climate change effects. Even by the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario. The fact is there is no new normal with "wild weather", but the same old issues and extremes:
But media and groups including the insurance industry and some researchers have suggested that flooding and flood losses have increased due to changes in weather patterns characterized by increased intensity or frequency of rainfall events.
That is not true. And there is no data to support that explanation.
Because rainfall intensities have not changed according to official Engineering Climate Datasets that review and analyze trends in extreme rainfall to inform engineering design across Canada.
Some media are correcting this false explanation that new wild weather, or a new normal, is causing flooding, like the CBC.
The CBC Ombudsman has ruled that CBC News reporting violated standards of journalistic practice in reporting more 100 Year storms linked to urban flooding - see the scathing report. It begins:
"Review by the Office of the Ombudsman, French Services, CBC/RadioCanada of two complaints asserting that the articles by journalist Marc
Montgomery entitled How to mitigate the effects of flood damage from
climate change and Response to a climate change story, posted on
September 19 and November 19, 2018, respectively by Radio Canada
international (RCI), failed to comply with the CBC/Radio-Canada
Journalistic Standards and Practices regarding accuracy and impartiality."
and regarding this claim in the article on changing storm patterns:
“We are experiencing storms of greater magnitude, more volume of rain coming down
over short periods of time these days due to climate change. That is causing massive
the CBC Ombudsman concludes that (my bold):
"One only had to examine the official Environment Canada data for Ontario as well as for the
entire country to acknowledge that the claim made in the article was inaccurate. Such
acknowledgement would at the same time have addressed the complainant’s criticism regarding
the lack of data to corroborate Dr. Feltmate’s claim about the increased frequency of extreme
rainfall events in Canada."
While Environment and Climate Change Canada have refuted insurance industry claims on storm frequency shifts in the past (see Canadian Underwriter correction on the IBC/ICLR Telling the Weather Story theoretical shifts mistakenly reported as real data).
Yet the insurance industry has continued to promote the 'causation', with opinion pieces (not any peer-reviewed paper or analysis) saying climate-change effects on rainfall drive flood losses. See Financial Post piece.
If not rainfall, what causes more flooding, more flood damages?
Canadian courts have pointed to urbanization as a driver, as in the landmark case of Scarborough Golf Country Club Ltd v City of Scarborough et al.. The decision indicates that urbanization markedly increases runoff stresses that cause runoff, erosion and flooding. Some highlights:
i) "Expert evidence confirmed the effect of the city's rapid urbanization and water control plans on the creek."
ii) "It is important to note that the case is not presented primarily as a complaint against flooding but rather that the markedly increased flows and increased velocity of flow have caused and continue to cause damage to the creek bed and the adjacent tableland.", and
iii) "There can be no doubt that the storm sewer facilities and urbanization of the lands to the north of the Club are the cause of the effects just described and that the difference in flow and velocity of flow is very substantial."
So urbanization markedly increases runoff, flows and velocities, while there are no observed changes in extreme rainfall. Mapping clearly shows the significant expansion of urban areas in southern Ontario municipalities - see post and images below:

The IPCC has reviewed the size and frequency of floods at larger regional scales in their extreme events report and noted limited to medium information to assess changes, also noting the effects of changes in land use and engineering (see page 8):
"There is limited to medium evidence available to assess climate-driven observed changes in the magnitude and frequency of floods at regional scales because the available instrumental records of floods at gauge stations are limited in space and time, and because of confounding effects of changes in land use and engineering. Furthermore, there is low agreement in this evidence, and thus overall low confidence at the global scale regarding even the sign of these changes."
IPCC notes low confidence in the sign of changes at a global scale, meaning flood magnitudes could be going up or down.
Other factors driving losses? Research shows for some severe weather event types like hurricanes the driver is GDP growth, e.g., "research is robust in concluding that, for many decades into the future, the primary driver behind increasing economic losses related to hurricanes is expected to be societal growth"
"There is limited to medium evidence available to assess climate-driven observed changes in the magnitude and frequency of floods at regional scales because the available instrumental records of floods at gauge stations are limited in space and time, and because of confounding effects of changes in land use and engineering. Furthermore, there is low agreement in this evidence, and thus overall low confidence at the global scale regarding even the sign of these changes."
IPCC notes low confidence in the sign of changes at a global scale, meaning flood magnitudes could be going up or down.
Other factors driving losses? Research shows for some severe weather event types like hurricanes the driver is GDP growth, e.g., "research is robust in concluding that, for many decades into the future, the primary driver behind increasing economic losses related to hurricanes is expected to be societal growth"
More factors? Maintenance of infrastructure affects its performance and flood risks. For example, TRCA described that flooding of the Keating Channel and lower Don River, which affects Toronto's Don Valley Parkway was due to a lack of maintenance:
"Since its construction between 1914 and 1922, the Keating Channel has been subject to heavy sediment loads, requiring regular dredging to maintain sufficient depths to allow for and maintain shipping activities at the mouth of the Don River. Between 1950 and 1970, widespread development throughout the Don Watershed and the construction of the Don Valley Parkway increased sedimentation rates by up to four times that of the pre-was era. After 1970, decreases in the number of new watershed disturbances and improved sediment control structures likely contributed to the decline in sedimentation in the Keating Channel to levels similar to the pre-war era. A reduction in shipping activities within the Keating Channel, combined with restrictions on the open water disposal of dredgate imposed by the International Joint Commission (IJC) in 1974, resulted in a cessation of dredging in the Keating Channel. In the following five to six years, the Keating channel filled with sediment and debris to the point where it became visible under all but high lake levels, resulting in increased flood risk along the lower Don."
So flood risks increase due to fluviogeomorphology (the transport and deposition of sediments in a watercourse) and hydraulics - when dredging stops, sediment builds up, hydraulic capacity is reduced and flooding is increased along the river.
Yet despite flooding dating back to the 1800's, as reported in the Inquiry for Premier Davis, and despite impacts on rail lines in the Don River floodplain over decades, flooding has been attributed to climate change effects. Even by the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario. The fact is there is no new normal with "wild weather", but the same old issues and extremes:
Hydraulics affect sewer system capacity and flood risks as well. Modifications to store sewage and prevent discharge to the environment can constrain capacity and contribute to higher back-up risks, as documented in approved Class Environmental Assessment Studies in Ontario. Call this "The Law of Conservation of Poop" - holding back sewage in the collection system to prevent overflows causes surcharge levels to rise, sometimes closer to basements, increasing basement flooding risks. The excerpt below from the Toronto Area 32 Municipal Class EA describes "Causes of Flooding" related to operation of the tanks installed to protect Lake Ontario and beach water quality:

And while stormwater runoff and sewage level are rising in storm and wastewater collection systems due to urbanization and hydraulic constraints, risks are being increased by lowering basements, exposing higher value finishing and contents to flood damages - in Toronto, the rate of basement lowering, tracked through Toronto Open Data building permits for foundation underpinning, has increased significantly as shown in this post. The chart below shows the data trends:
A new report "Canada’s Changing Climate Report" lead by Environment and Climate Change Canada confirms that there is no change in extreme rainfall in Canada based on observations (see Chapter 4) saying "There do not appear to be detectable trends ...":
This certainly contradicts claims made by an insurance industry-funded research group that have indicated there is 'a lot of data to show it' when it comes to bigger storms. A February, 8, 2018 presentation to the Standing Senate Committee on Energy, the Environment and Natural Resources included this statement:
"So when you see in the news and the media people talk about storms seem bigger and more intense and so forth, those perceptions are correct. And there's a lot of data to show it."
But a review in a recent presentation to the National Research Council's 2018 workshop on flooding that showed there is no data to support the statement. Concerns with insurance industry statements on frequency shifts were also expressed by Environment and Climate Change Canada staff in relation to the Telling the Weather Story 40 year to 6 year weather shift. Staff had concerns with statements that could confuse theory and actual changes. Here is an excerpt from communications regarding the Telling the Weather Story normal bell curve theory shift:
"The presentation looks to be a simple conceptual model for communicating the underlying idea – if one assumes a standard normal, then a shift in the mean implies an attendant change in extremes – which is fine as far as it goes. If this is used as the basis for statements about actual changes in extreme rainfall in Canada, then I would have concerns."
Here was the specific question posed:
Here is a graphic showing the theoretical shift in question, an arbitrary 1 standard deviation shift in a standard normal 'bell curve' (probability density function):
The Environment and Climate Change Canada report also speaks to theoretical shifts in probability density functions, like the Weather Story bell curve shift. This is the example showing a shift right in the distribution of extreme events Figure 4.2.1:
The reality is that in some regions when it comes to extreme rain intensities there is not a shift to the right but a shift to the left, meaning less extreme events, as shown in this annotated curve that reflects southern Ontario rain intensity shifts:
The 'green' shift to the left reflects an overall decrease of 0.4% in rainfall design intensities at 21 long term climate stations since 1990, considering durations related to urban flooding, i.e., 5 minutes to 24 hours. That analysis of the new Version 3.0 Engineering Climate Datasets was presented in this post.
There is often a statement that changes in means will lead to changes in extremes in a distribution of probabilities - this makes sense. This concept is reflected in IPCC reports as well:
But data shows that the means, the 2 Year storm rain intensities, the events that we have the most observations of and the most confidence in assessing trends are decreasing the most. The Version 3.0 datsets review for southern Ontario shows on average a drop of -0.8% in those rain intensities, as shown on this table in the first column:
In this region, the extremes can be expected to decrease along with the means - on average that is happening too for the 100 Year rain intensities.
The Environment and Climate Change Canada report notes 'medium confidence' in increases in annual precipitation across the country and "low confidence in quantifying regional or national total amounts of precipitation" - so medium confidence in it going up but low confidence in saying how much, especially at more local spatial scales, or regions.
Since little or no infrastructure is designed to address annual precipitation, the reports limitations on the annual precipitation statistic are irrelevant to cities facing challenges like urban flooding during extreme, short duration events. Based on CatIQ datasets, a higher number of flood claims and a higher value of claim is associated with rare storm volumes falling over duration of minutes and hours and not annual totals.
The key take-away is that extreme rainfall has not been observed to change, whether for higher frequency events like 2 Year storms, or for low frequency, rare events, like 100 Year storms.
It is easy for the media to confuse annual precipitation with rain extremes, and in the case of Canada’s Changing Climate Report, CBC News reported that urban flooding related to intense rain will increase too - CBC has since corrected that article noting the report did not find increased short-duration rainfall linked to basement flooding:
The Environment and Climate Change Canada report cites research that points to land use change having a "key role" in affecting flooding, for example for the southeast Prairies flood in 2014. Here is the excerpt on attribution of flooding to rainfall or other factors, saying "Anthropogenic influence may have influenced rainfall, but landscape modification played a key role in increased runoff":
This is consistent with reporting by the American Society of Civil Engineers who in their Adapting Infrastructure and Civil Engineering Practice to a Changing Climate document state: "It is important to point out that land-use changes (e.g., urbanization) can result in substantial flooding impacts, independent of climatic forcing functions." - see page 12.
Regarding attribution, it is also consistent with a recent report on extreme rainfall event attribution that also identifies a lack of association of extreme convective storms, those responsible for much urban flooding, with anthropogenic climate change effects. For example the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2016 report Attribution of Extreme Weather Events in the Context of Climate Change states (see page 97):
"Studies of trends in the United States find different results depending on the time period and spatial region chosen, but there is no broad agreement on the detection of long-term trends in overall severe
convective storm activity such as might be related to anthropogenic climate change."
Regarding land use influence on runoff and flood risk, this is also consistent with analysis by the University of Guelph's Engineering Department on changes in urban 'runoff coefficients' (the fraction of rain that runs off and can contribute to flood stresses) due to urbanization like in the Don River watershed:
That analysis was intended to 'disentagle' the impacts of climate change and land use change. Green bars are pre-urbanization coefficients showing we had a small fraction of rain becoming runoff, while blue bars show significant increase in runoff potential after 50% urbanaization. Note there is uncertainty in flow monitoring too, just like in precipitation monitoring, but we see a 10 times, 1000% increase in runoff potential in summer months, when we have the highest rain intensities, due to urbanization. The urbanization effects are MASSIVE - the Scarborough Golf court case reiterated this fact over and over referring to "markedly increased flows".
Compared to urbanization effects on flows, meteorologic effects are a big "nothing burger", with no observed changes and just a lot of theory and speculation. We should design for uncertainty in the future, and incorporate cost-effective adaptation considerations or flexibility for future adaptation (ASCE's Observational Method for climate adaptation) however we should not mischaractierize past trends and risk factors driving today's infrastructure performance limitations.
The University of Guelph analysis also indicates that spring peak flow rates will decrease with climate change effects that reduce winter snowpacks and spring melt flood potential. The follow chart shows the decrease in spring peaks in the rural Moira River watershed:
The Environment and Climate Change Canada report recognizes the impacts of temperature on snow patterns in Chapter 4: "As temperatures increase, there will continue to be a shift from snow to rain in the spring and fall seasons.". The report also cites research that "The reduction in spring snow pack and the ensuing reduction in summer streamflow in British Columbia have been attributed to anthropogenic climate change". Other cited research notes "Such a change in the form of precipitation, from snow to rain, has profound impacts in other components of the physical environment, such as river flow, with the spring freshet becoming significantly earlier." - the University of Guelph research shows that the winter period flows increase from November to early March in the Moira River example, and the peaks decrease significantly from late March and April. This decrease in peaks will result in a decrease in spring flood risks in watershed affected by such events.
So there is no new wild weather, or new normal driving flood damages. Case law in Ontario defining the effects of hydrology, or urbanization, findings of inquiries into Don River flooding for Premier Davis, Municipal Class Environmental Assessment studies investigating basement flooding causes and solutions, and Environment and Climate Change Canada's Engineering Climate Datasets that examine trends in observed rainfall intensities show us that hydrology, hydraulics, fluviogeomorphology explain today's flood risks, and there is has been no shift in rainfall intensities, despite median and insurance industry 'weather stories' and claims.
This certainly contradicts claims made by an insurance industry-funded research group that have indicated there is 'a lot of data to show it' when it comes to bigger storms. A February, 8, 2018 presentation to the Standing Senate Committee on Energy, the Environment and Natural Resources included this statement:
"So when you see in the news and the media people talk about storms seem bigger and more intense and so forth, those perceptions are correct. And there's a lot of data to show it."
But a review in a recent presentation to the National Research Council's 2018 workshop on flooding that showed there is no data to support the statement. Concerns with insurance industry statements on frequency shifts were also expressed by Environment and Climate Change Canada staff in relation to the Telling the Weather Story 40 year to 6 year weather shift. Staff had concerns with statements that could confuse theory and actual changes. Here is an excerpt from communications regarding the Telling the Weather Story normal bell curve theory shift:
"The presentation looks to be a simple conceptual model for communicating the underlying idea – if one assumes a standard normal, then a shift in the mean implies an attendant change in extremes – which is fine as far as it goes. If this is used as the basis for statements about actual changes in extreme rainfall in Canada, then I would have concerns."
Here was the specific question posed:
Here is a graphic showing the theoretical shift in question, an arbitrary 1 standard deviation shift in a standard normal 'bell curve' (probability density function):
The Environment and Climate Change Canada report also speaks to theoretical shifts in probability density functions, like the Weather Story bell curve shift. This is the example showing a shift right in the distribution of extreme events Figure 4.2.1:
The reality is that in some regions when it comes to extreme rain intensities there is not a shift to the right but a shift to the left, meaning less extreme events, as shown in this annotated curve that reflects southern Ontario rain intensity shifts:
The 'green' shift to the left reflects an overall decrease of 0.4% in rainfall design intensities at 21 long term climate stations since 1990, considering durations related to urban flooding, i.e., 5 minutes to 24 hours. That analysis of the new Version 3.0 Engineering Climate Datasets was presented in this post.
There is often a statement that changes in means will lead to changes in extremes in a distribution of probabilities - this makes sense. This concept is reflected in IPCC reports as well:
But data shows that the means, the 2 Year storm rain intensities, the events that we have the most observations of and the most confidence in assessing trends are decreasing the most. The Version 3.0 datsets review for southern Ontario shows on average a drop of -0.8% in those rain intensities, as shown on this table in the first column:
In this region, the extremes can be expected to decrease along with the means - on average that is happening too for the 100 Year rain intensities.
The Environment and Climate Change Canada report notes 'medium confidence' in increases in annual precipitation across the country and "low confidence in quantifying regional or national total amounts of precipitation" - so medium confidence in it going up but low confidence in saying how much, especially at more local spatial scales, or regions.
Since little or no infrastructure is designed to address annual precipitation, the reports limitations on the annual precipitation statistic are irrelevant to cities facing challenges like urban flooding during extreme, short duration events. Based on CatIQ datasets, a higher number of flood claims and a higher value of claim is associated with rare storm volumes falling over duration of minutes and hours and not annual totals.
The key take-away is that extreme rainfall has not been observed to change, whether for higher frequency events like 2 Year storms, or for low frequency, rare events, like 100 Year storms.
It is easy for the media to confuse annual precipitation with rain extremes, and in the case of Canada’s Changing Climate Report, CBC News reported that urban flooding related to intense rain will increase too - CBC has since corrected that article noting the report did not find increased short-duration rainfall linked to basement flooding:
The Environment and Climate Change Canada report cites research that points to land use change having a "key role" in affecting flooding, for example for the southeast Prairies flood in 2014. Here is the excerpt on attribution of flooding to rainfall or other factors, saying "Anthropogenic influence may have influenced rainfall, but landscape modification played a key role in increased runoff":
This is consistent with reporting by the American Society of Civil Engineers who in their Adapting Infrastructure and Civil Engineering Practice to a Changing Climate document state: "It is important to point out that land-use changes (e.g., urbanization) can result in substantial flooding impacts, independent of climatic forcing functions." - see page 12.
Regarding attribution, it is also consistent with a recent report on extreme rainfall event attribution that also identifies a lack of association of extreme convective storms, those responsible for much urban flooding, with anthropogenic climate change effects. For example the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2016 report Attribution of Extreme Weather Events in the Context of Climate Change states (see page 97):
"Studies of trends in the United States find different results depending on the time period and spatial region chosen, but there is no broad agreement on the detection of long-term trends in overall severe
convective storm activity such as might be related to anthropogenic climate change."
Regarding land use influence on runoff and flood risk, this is also consistent with analysis by the University of Guelph's Engineering Department on changes in urban 'runoff coefficients' (the fraction of rain that runs off and can contribute to flood stresses) due to urbanization like in the Don River watershed:
That analysis was intended to 'disentagle' the impacts of climate change and land use change. Green bars are pre-urbanization coefficients showing we had a small fraction of rain becoming runoff, while blue bars show significant increase in runoff potential after 50% urbanaization. Note there is uncertainty in flow monitoring too, just like in precipitation monitoring, but we see a 10 times, 1000% increase in runoff potential in summer months, when we have the highest rain intensities, due to urbanization. The urbanization effects are MASSIVE - the Scarborough Golf court case reiterated this fact over and over referring to "markedly increased flows".
Compared to urbanization effects on flows, meteorologic effects are a big "nothing burger", with no observed changes and just a lot of theory and speculation. We should design for uncertainty in the future, and incorporate cost-effective adaptation considerations or flexibility for future adaptation (ASCE's Observational Method for climate adaptation) however we should not mischaractierize past trends and risk factors driving today's infrastructure performance limitations.
The University of Guelph analysis also indicates that spring peak flow rates will decrease with climate change effects that reduce winter snowpacks and spring melt flood potential. The follow chart shows the decrease in spring peaks in the rural Moira River watershed:
The Environment and Climate Change Canada report recognizes the impacts of temperature on snow patterns in Chapter 4: "As temperatures increase, there will continue to be a shift from snow to rain in the spring and fall seasons.". The report also cites research that "The reduction in spring snow pack and the ensuing reduction in summer streamflow in British Columbia have been attributed to anthropogenic climate change". Other cited research notes "Such a change in the form of precipitation, from snow to rain, has profound impacts in other components of the physical environment, such as river flow, with the spring freshet becoming significantly earlier." - the University of Guelph research shows that the winter period flows increase from November to early March in the Moira River example, and the peaks decrease significantly from late March and April. This decrease in peaks will result in a decrease in spring flood risks in watershed affected by such events.
So there is no new wild weather, or new normal driving flood damages. Case law in Ontario defining the effects of hydrology, or urbanization, findings of inquiries into Don River flooding for Premier Davis, Municipal Class Environmental Assessment studies investigating basement flooding causes and solutions, and Environment and Climate Change Canada's Engineering Climate Datasets that examine trends in observed rainfall intensities show us that hydrology, hydraulics, fluviogeomorphology explain today's flood risks, and there is has been no shift in rainfall intensities, despite median and insurance industry 'weather stories' and claims.
Environment Canada Report Confirms No Overall Change in Extreme Rainfall - Generally Random Ups and Downs - Stated Certainty of Future Shifts Contradicts American Society of Civil Engineer's "Significant Uncertainty"
A new Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) report Canada’s Changing Climate Report reviews past, observed rainfall extremes and confirms there are no observed changes in extreme rainfall across the country:
"For Canada as a whole, there is a lack of observational evidence of changes in daily and short-duration extreme precipitation."
ECCC predicts increases showing a theoretical probability density function shift (Figure 4.21) where the blue line probability density function represents today's/yesterday's eventt magnitudes and frequencies without climate effects, and red represents with effects (shift right means higher magnitude for any frequency):
Engineering Climate Datasets in some regions show trends in the magnitude of rain intensity magnitudes (reality) going the other way however: .
This image shows the difference between the theory and the local data reality - the green line is the REALITY showing for any given frequency (2, 10, 50, 100 Year events) the magnitude is going down in southern Ontario:
ECCC suggests there is insufficient data to observe the changes in extremes expected: "Estimating changes in short-duration extreme precipitation at a point location is complex because of the lack of observations in many places and the discontinuous nature of precipitation at small scales." - while that MAY be accurate for extreme events that are rare and elusive, why do 2 Year rain intensities, derived from many, many yearly observations at all long term rain gauges, show the clearest decline, across all durations from 5 minutes to 24 hours?
Surely, we have DO enough point locations and observations to see the change in these small storms. But if these small frequent storm intensities are no higher with today's temperature shifts, why do we expect the extremes to be higher either? Data we do have shows in southern Ontario these 100 year intensities are 0.2% LOWER on average. So extremes are shifting shifting along with the means.... shifting lower.
A theoretical probability density function shift has been promoted in the past by ICLR and IBC in the 2012 Telling the Weather Story report:
This has been shown to be 'made-up' and not related to real data (ECCC IDF tables and charts mistakenly cited as the source of the 40 year to 6 year frequency shift) - this chart shows the theoretical 1 standard deviation shift widely circulated by IBC and real data shifts:
See the difference between theory and data? It is pretty clear.
Given the lack of past trends, and uncertainty in future noted in the ECCC report ("It is likely that extreme precipitation will increase in Canada in the future, although the magnitude of the increase is much more uncertain"), we must follow the American Society of Civil Engineer's recommended "Observational Method" approach see 2015 report Adapting Infrastructure
and Civil Engineering Practice
to a Changing Climate at, and also see for the new 2018 manual on engineering practice Climate-Resilient Infrastructure, Adaptive Design and Risk Management.
The ASCE 2018 manual promotes incorporating any no-regret, now cost measures in design today considering most probable future conditions, and allowing design flexibility to adapt in the future if and when performance is shown to be inadequate or affected by future changes - this is a practical approach intended to avoid costly over-design, and over-investment in potentially unnecessary and cost-ineffective infrastructure today.
While the ASCE 2015 report notes the high degree of uncertainty "However, even though the scientific community agrees that climate is changing, there is significant uncertainty about the location, timing and magnitude of the changes over the lifetime of infrastructure."
In contrast, the ECCC report appears to asset a high degree of confidence in future changes saying "For Canada as a whole, there is a lack of observational evidence of changes in daily and short-duration extreme precipitation. This is not unexpected, as extreme precipitation response to anthropogenic climate change during the historical period would have been small relative to its natural variability, and as such, difficult to detect. However, in the future, daily extreme precipitation is projected to increase (high confidence). - how can ECCC assert high confidence when there are no observed trends? How can ECCC contradict ASCE's statement on high "signifcant uncertainty'?
ECCC reports that summer precipitation is expected to decrease: "Summer precipitation is projected to decrease over southern Canada under a high emission scenario toward the end of the 21st century, but only small changes are projected under a low emission scenario." - how can that be if the summer temperatures are going up? Does this not violate the Clausius-Clapeyron theory cited in the ECCC report states that "increased atmospheric water vapour in this part of the world should translate into more precipitation, according to our understanding of physical processes" - so that is a theory - what about the real data? What does it show? the Clausius-Clapeyron relationship does not stand up to scrutiny as shown in a previous post.
Given highest rainfall extreme are in the summer (see the work of Dr. Trevor Dickinson on seasonal extremes), a summer decrease in precipitation could potentially mean lower flood risks. The data for southern Ontario already show a decrease in the annual maximum series (reflecting lower means and typical 2 Year design intensities in derived IDF curves) and the extreme 100 Year design intensities are decreasing slightly as well.
Overall, many in the media have over-hyped concerns about changing rainfall severity. Data and ECCC's report shows there has been no change, beyond random fluctuation. Looking ahead the American Society of Civil Engineers indicates that future changes have "significant uncertainty"- this contracts the ECCC's statement on "high confidence" on future extremes.
"For Canada as a whole, there is a lack of observational evidence of changes in daily and short-duration extreme precipitation."
ECCC predicts increases showing a theoretical probability density function shift (Figure 4.21) where the blue line probability density function represents today's/yesterday's eventt magnitudes and frequencies without climate effects, and red represents with effects (shift right means higher magnitude for any frequency):
Engineering Climate Datasets in some regions show trends in the magnitude of rain intensity magnitudes (reality) going the other way however: .
This image shows the difference between the theory and the local data reality - the green line is the REALITY showing for any given frequency (2, 10, 50, 100 Year events) the magnitude is going down in southern Ontario:
Surely, we have DO enough point locations and observations to see the change in these small storms. But if these small frequent storm intensities are no higher with today's temperature shifts, why do we expect the extremes to be higher either? Data we do have shows in southern Ontario these 100 year intensities are 0.2% LOWER on average. So extremes are shifting shifting along with the means.... shifting lower.
A theoretical probability density function shift has been promoted in the past by ICLR and IBC in the 2012 Telling the Weather Story report:
This has been shown to be 'made-up' and not related to real data (ECCC IDF tables and charts mistakenly cited as the source of the 40 year to 6 year frequency shift) - this chart shows the theoretical 1 standard deviation shift widely circulated by IBC and real data shifts:
See the difference between theory and data? It is pretty clear.
The ASCE 2018 manual promotes incorporating any no-regret, now cost measures in design today considering most probable future conditions, and allowing design flexibility to adapt in the future if and when performance is shown to be inadequate or affected by future changes - this is a practical approach intended to avoid costly over-design, and over-investment in potentially unnecessary and cost-ineffective infrastructure today.
While the ASCE 2015 report notes the high degree of uncertainty "However, even though the scientific community agrees that climate is changing, there is significant uncertainty about the location, timing and magnitude of the changes over the lifetime of infrastructure."
In contrast, the ECCC report appears to asset a high degree of confidence in future changes saying "For Canada as a whole, there is a lack of observational evidence of changes in daily and short-duration extreme precipitation. This is not unexpected, as extreme precipitation response to anthropogenic climate change during the historical period would have been small relative to its natural variability, and as such, difficult to detect. However, in the future, daily extreme precipitation is projected to increase (high confidence). - how can ECCC assert high confidence when there are no observed trends? How can ECCC contradict ASCE's statement on high "signifcant uncertainty'?
ECCC reports that summer precipitation is expected to decrease: "Summer precipitation is projected to decrease over southern Canada under a high emission scenario toward the end of the 21st century, but only small changes are projected under a low emission scenario." - how can that be if the summer temperatures are going up? Does this not violate the Clausius-Clapeyron theory cited in the ECCC report states that "increased atmospheric water vapour in this part of the world should translate into more precipitation, according to our understanding of physical processes" - so that is a theory - what about the real data? What does it show? the Clausius-Clapeyron relationship does not stand up to scrutiny as shown in a previous post.
Given highest rainfall extreme are in the summer (see the work of Dr. Trevor Dickinson on seasonal extremes), a summer decrease in precipitation could potentially mean lower flood risks. The data for southern Ontario already show a decrease in the annual maximum series (reflecting lower means and typical 2 Year design intensities in derived IDF curves) and the extreme 100 Year design intensities are decreasing slightly as well.
Overall, many in the media have over-hyped concerns about changing rainfall severity. Data and ECCC's report shows there has been no change, beyond random fluctuation. Looking ahead the American Society of Civil Engineers indicates that future changes have "significant uncertainty"- this contracts the ECCC's statement on "high confidence" on future extremes.
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